Why Your Phone Can Still Be Tracked (Even When GPS is Turned Off)

The technology behind tracking and also finding a lost phone is the Global Positioning System or GPS in short. It is the small chip inside your smartphone that communicates with an array of communication satellites that then tells you where you are and where you want to go. For some phone, it is called the “Location Services” function.

However, most of the smartphone in the market does respect the need for privacy for their users. Also, therefore, it enables the user to switch off the GPS and location services, and as a result, your phone will not be tracked. Alternatively, is it still can be traced?

The quick answer to this is yes; your smartphone can still be tracked even when you have turned off your GPS and location services. This is because smartphone technology has evolved and become more integrated into our daily activities. Therefore, the more frequent you use your mobile phone, the more you leave what we called digital breadcrumbs or digital footprints.


If you disable the GPS, you will not be tracked in real-time. However, our smartphones leave digital “breadcrumbs” all over the internet in which can be traced back to your phone. The digital “breadcrumbs” are basically a footprint that you left when you engaged or used certain services on the internet which identifies you in a specific time and location. The digital footprints can be in many forms such as cookies and also input and output for your smartphone sensors.


Besides the GPS chip, your smartphone also has other sensors such as the accelerometers where it is used to track your body movement for fitness and even gaming. Other sensors such as the barometer, magnetometer and gyroscope have its use and function in your smartphone. Each of these sensors is becoming much more advanced and accurate in the coming years as technology, and the internet evolved.

Because of these sensors readily available in your smartphone, by combining some of these sensors, with the help of an installed app, it can accurately figure out your location without the need of GPS. Based on research by a researcher at Princeton University, it is possible to track your phone by using these sensors by only using an app. Read the article here.



Your mobile phone regularly transmits a signal as it approaches a cell tower. This is to notify its location so that whenever a call or data that needs to be transferred to your phone, the cell network operator would able to send it to the nearest cell tower to your phone. Therefore, when your smartphone is on, it is always pinging the nearest cell tower.

track your phone without GPS

The methods use in locating your phone using cell towers is by using the triangulation method. By knowing which signal emits the strongest and lowest between your smartphone and the cell tower, the network operator can pinpoint your location.

So, if you do lose your phone and your phone does not have a GPS function, it is best that you request assistance from a network service provider. As long as the SIM card and IMEI number are in place on your phone, it is possible for the cell network operator to help and track that phone.

Read here on our previous article on how to track phone using IMEI number.


If you usually browse the internet using your mobile phone, you would notice request from the browser to identify your current location. This includes the airline’s website or travel/hotel website where they require you to specify the location of your current place. Once you are given consent to the request, the browser will keep your location in their record.

Can someone tracked your phone without gps

There are also apps that require your location each time you want to use the app. For example, apps like Waze or WhatsApp. Even though you have to turn your GPS off, the app will not be able to track your phone real-time. However, the app or the browser cookies does have your digital “breadcrumbs” from the last time you use the app or visited the website.

One example is by looking at your Google account. This is one of the services where you can use to track your digital footprints that have been left by your mobile phone.

So, if you are interested to see if your devices are leaving digital footprints, here are the steps.

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Step 1

Go to https://myaccount.google.com

Click at the “Security” at the left section of that page

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Step 2

Scroll down until you see “Your Devices” section. It will list any of your devices last location that is linked to your account.

Your google account will only remember your device if you have any of google app in your phone. For example, Gmail or Google Earth app that was installed on your phone.


Some countries do have a database of stolen phones. So, if you do lose a phone, you can report the phone’s IMEI number into the database. The database is usually linked to the police, and whenever the cops find a stolen phone, it can cross-check the phone with the database.

how to track phone without GPS

You can check an example of a national database for stolen items such as in Australia here and also in the United States here.

The only thing needed for cross-checking a phone in this type of database registry is the IMEI or IMSI number. Read here if you want to know more about your phone’s IMEI number. 

So, there you have it. Three ways how you can track your phone even when the GPS or location services is turned off. Please also read our previous article on how you can trace a non-smartphone.

Please leave us a comment below on how do you think other people can still track your phone even without the GPS function.

Top 5 Things to Prepare In Case Your Phone Got Stolen

An interesting fact that 3 out of 5 people would not have been prepared for their phone to get stolen. Even though most of us might have taken careful handling and precaution of our phone, this misfortune can happen. Based on statistics, more than 70 million mobile phone theft is reported with only 7% recovery of their phone.

With extra precaution that you can take earlier on, you might be able to be among that 7% who can recover your phone in the case of your phone got stolen. Here is some extra precaution you can take earlier on when you still have your phone with you.


If you do lose your phone and you want to file a police report, the first thing that the authorities would want is the phone’s IMEI number. This is because the IMEI number is unique to your phone only. So, this information is helpful if they can track your phone to somebody. The thief might have wipe off all the data on your phone, but the IMEI number would remain the same.

It is similar to the chassis number for a car. You can repaint the whole car and disguise it as a different car, but the chassis number will still be there in the engine and car body. The same with the IMEI number. The thief might have changed all the settings in your stolen iPhone, but the IMEI number is unique to that particular phone.

Another number that might be handy when you report is your phone’s ICCID number. The ICCID number is the number that represents your SIM card. So, it might be useful also if your phone still has your sim card in it.

If you use iPhone, here are the steps on how you can obtain the IMEI and ICCID numbers

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Step 1
In your iPhone, go to Settings

Step 2
In the Settings, go to General Settings

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Step 3
In the General Settings, tap “About”

Step 4
In the “About” section, scroll down and screenshot the IMEI and ICCID numbers.

You can then print out the screenshot and save it someplace safe. You can also email the screenshot to your email account for safe keeping as well.


Nowadays, most people own a smartphone. With a smartphone, you have a mini computer on your hand. Among the standard function that a smartphone has is the Global Positioning System or GPS. What is a GPS? GPS is used as a way for your phone to communicate with satellites and therefore pinpoint your exact phone location.

This feature serves many uses in today’s application. This also involves tracking your phone location if you lost it. However, it is essential that you enable the function or else you would not be able to track your phone if you got it stolen or lost.

Here is how you can enable the location services in your iPhone

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Step 1
In your iPhone, go to Settings

Step 2
In the Settings, go to “Privacy”

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Step 3
In “Privacy”, go to “Location Services.”

Step 4
In “Location Services”, enable it by tapping the button at the right side


For iPhone
If you have an iPhone, there is the app called “Find iPhone”. Even though it is installed in your iPhone by default, it will not work unless you enable your iPhone location services. Make sure to test it out to see whether it can track your phone or not.

Here is a quick way to check.

Step 1
In your iPhone, go to Settings

Step 2
In the Settings, go to “Privacy”

Step 3
In the Settings, go to “Location Services”

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Step 4
In the “Location Services”, go to “System Services”

Step 5
In the “System Services”, go to “Find My iPhone”.
If the button is already green, it means it is already enabled.

For Androids
If you have an Android-based phone, make sure that you have your phone already registered at the Android Device Manager. This way, you can always track your phone even if got lost.

You can quickly go to the Android Device Manager website here to see whether your devices are active or not.


In the iPhone, there is an app called “Find Friends”. This app enables you to know the location of your friends who also used this app. You can share your location as well as they can share their location. So, in case your phone got stolen or lost, you can call up your friends whom you had your location and asked him or her to track your phone’s location. It will show a live location update instantly.

Here is how you can enable your friends to see your location using this app.

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Step 1
In your iPhone, ta at “Find Friends”. It is installed in your iPhone by default.

Step 2
In the app, tap at “Me” below

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Step 3
In the “Me” section, go to “Share My Location” and enable it.
Once this function is enabled, friends that you added in the app can see your location.

So, if you do get your phone lost someday, you can ask the help of your friends that you have shared location with using this app.


From a survey, the most precious thing that people would value in their phone is the pictures. Just imagine all the memories whether it is by video or images that you have captured in your cellphone gone forever. The contact details in the phone can be retrieved back, but all the captured memories will be gone forever with the stolen phone. So, it is better that you backup everything.

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There are software that you can use to back up your photos and files automatically. You can use Dropbox and also Google Drive. This software will automatically backup your pictures and data in the cloud storage. Therefore, if you do lose your phone, you can automatically retrieve back all your photo memories in the cloud.

However, Dropbox and Google Drive have its space limitation if you are using for free. If you want more space, there is a certain fee you need to pay on a monthly basis. Google Drive offers 15GB for free. Therefore, it can be a good option for you as long as you are not using much data in all of your Google account including in your Gmail.

So, there you have it. The top 5 things that you need to prepare just in case you lost your phone. If you have done this preparation, the chances of you getting back your lost phone would be high.

However, if you feel that your phone got stolen and you manage to track it to someone, it is best that you report to the police and let the police make the recovery of your phone. Never do it by yourself as it might put you in a dangerous situation.

Please leave us a comment below on how you feel this tips might help you. Please also read our previous article on the ultimate guide on how to track a phone.

The Ultimate Guide on How to Find Your Lost Phone

We have gotten a lot of requests from our visitors asking us to track their phone. It is very unfortunate that we could not help due to the fact that we are not providing that kind of services to track your phone. However as to keep to our tagline and that is to help you learn how to track your phone, we decided to give you the ultimate guide on the steps you need to take once you have that dreaded experience of losing your phone.

We think this guide can be one of the best way for you to have a higher percentage to recover back your lost or stolen phone. This guide is also useful to help you to make certain steps to protect sensitive data or information that you might have in your phone in case it got stolen and falls into the wrong hand.

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However, need to put a disclaimer to this guide as this guide is only prepared for people who have smartphones only. You can read on our previous article on how to track non-smartphone here.

So, let’s get to it.

Ok, let’s lay out the scenario here. You just get back from work or eating outside and just lying in your sofa and catching up on some Netflix. Then you are reaching out to your phone in your pocket to check for your email or Facebook, and then you realize that your phone is not there in your pocket.

So, there is probably three possible scenario here… it is either you simply misplaced your phone in your house, you left your phone at work or maybe someone have stolen your phone on the way home during your quick stop at a Starbuck outlet. The last scenario is maybe the scariest one as you come to realize that maybe your precious phone is now on the wrong hand. So, once you realize that your phone is gone, follow this step:-


First of all, you need to make sure that you have not simply misplaced it in your home. If you in your house, you probably have a landed phone line. Try putting a call to your phone to see whether it rings. Or you can also use your spouse or friends phone to call your phone out.

However, if you have set your phone is silent mode or you have call but you hear nothing not even a vibrate noise… Go to Step 2


For Step 2, we will divide it to two categories – For iPhone Users and For Android Users

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For iPhone Users

Step 1
Go to https://www.icloud.com/#find
Sign-in using your Apple ID. The same Apple ID you have registered in your lost iPhone

Step 2
If you have more than one Apple devices, drop down the “All Devices” menu and choose the device that you have lost

Step 3
Your iPhone’s location will immediately be shown in a map. However, this will only work if your iPhone is on and connected to the internet.

You can then decide whether to lock it by choosing the “Lost Mode” or “Erase iPhone” to erase all the data in your iPhone if you feel that your iPhone is in the wrong hand.

Read here to learn more on the top 3 ways to track your iPhone.

For Android Users

Step 1
For android based users, the first step is go to this site

Login into your Google account. Make sure it is the same Google account you have registered in your Android based smartphones.

Step 2
The Android Device Manager will instantly show the location of your phone. This can only work if the phone is on and connected to the internet

Please read here on the top 3 ways to track your phone using Google.


IMEI stands for International Mobile Equipment Identity. It is a unique identity for every mobile phone that is manufactured all over the world. It consists of a 15 digit number and each phone has a unique 15 digit number. Therefore, if you lost your phone, one of the way to track it is by using the IMEI number. Even if the device changed SIM card, the IMEI can still be used to track your device.

One of the way you can obtain your IMEI numbers is by using your keypad. Just type in *#06# on your keypad. The IMEI numbers of your mobile phone will then appear in your iPhone’s screen.

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 But what happens if you just lost your iPhone and you did not manage to check your IMEI numbers using these 3 ways? Luckily, Apple have also included your mobile phone’s IMEI at the box packaging of your iPhone. Try looking at the back of the original box packaging and the IMEI numbers are printed there.

Read here from our previous article on how to get your phone’s IMEI number.


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So, once you have gotten your phone’s IMEI, you then need to file a police report on your missing phone. Even though this would be a hassle, but the police report is needed for your next step. A picture of your lost phone if any, description of your lost phone such as the brand or manufacturer, the colour of your phone, where did you lost it, the last place you remember having your phone.

Show also other supporting details such as your phone’s IMEI and also the location that your Android Device Manager or Find iPhone app have shown.


Here is some disclaimer. Not all cell phone service providers can assist you in helping to track your phone. However, some established and reputable one do have that services.

As long as you can show the police report that you have done and also you have your phone’s IMEI number, the cell phone service provider can assist you. The services they can offer includes locating your phone’s location and also blocking the phone usage from their network.

And finally, never ever try to locate your phone by yourself. Let the police do their job. You never know that by going to the place that your phone is located, it is probably in the wrong and that will probably do more harm if you are confronting the thief.


Now you have done the steps above, here I am going to list down several pre-emptive measures on how you can avoid losing your smartphones or help you increase the chance of finding back your phone.


In case that your phone gone missing, the IMEI number of your phone will become very important when it comes to relocating it. Here are some of the ways you can get your phone’s IMEI before you lost it.

1. Find IMEI numbers at your General settings

Another way to find your phone’s IMEI numbers is by finding it at the general settings menu in your iPhone. Here are the steps.

Step 1
Go to Settings

Step 2
Once in the Settings, go to General

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Step 3
In the General mode, tap at the ‘About’

Step 4
There will be a list of details and numbers for your iPhone. Scroll down and you will see the IMEI category together with the numbers at the right side.

2. Find IMEI numbers at the back of your iPhone

The quickest way to find your IMEI numbers even without opening your iPhone, is by looking at the back cover of your iPhone. You can easily check the IMEI number printed at the low centre back of your iPhone.


Sometimes you lost your phone just due to the fact you have misplaced it. And most likely people like to put their phone on a silent mode. Therefore this makes finding your phone a bit more difficult. Probably many people are not aware of this is that you can actually automate your phone’s silent mode. Follow this steps here on how to automate your iPhone’s silent mode

Step 1
Go to iPhone Settings

Step 2
Choose the “Do Not Disturb” mode

Step 3
Enable the “Scheduled” and set the time


You can increase the chances of getting your phone return back to you by putting your emergency number or contact details in your phone. This emergency number can also be seen by anyone who found your phone even if your phone is locked. Here are the steps how you can set emergency contact number on your iPhone.

Step 1
Go to “Health” app. It is already pre-installed in your iPhone.

Step 2
Choose “Medical ID”

Step 3
Fill in your contact details there

Anybody who find your iPhone will be able to access your emergency contact number even when it is lock. Therefore, the probability that your phone will be return to you is high if the founder know how to get in touch with you.

So, there is our guide on how to find your lost phone. Please visit also our previous article on the 5 tips on how to avoid losing your smartphones. Any other ideas or suggestion that you want to add, feel free to leave a comment in our comment section below.